Lance Neckar

  • Professor of Environmental Analysis
  • Environmental Analysis Field Group
lance neckar portrait
Office Location

Bernard 219

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With Pitzer Since: 2012

MLA, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Department of Landscape Architecture

MALA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Landscape Architecture

BA, Cornell College, History, German, Phi Beta Kappa

As professor of environmental analysis in the sustainability and the built environment track, Neckar integrates the concept of sustainability into a multidisciplinary approach to understanding and reimagining our human-made surroundings.

EA 133 Case Studies in the Sustainable Built Environment

EA 134 Sustainable Place Studio

EA 151 Campus Cultural Resources Conservation: Revealing Values

Transportation, with James Barton, in Minnesota State Conservation Plan, St. Paul, MN: Legislative and Citizens Commission on Minnesota Resources, 2008.

Study Synthesis, Moving Communities Forward, American Institute of Architects and Center for Transportation Studies, Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota, 2007.

“Berlin: Topology of Contemplation,” in Rebecca Krinke, ed., Contemporary Landscapes of Contemplation. London, UK, & New York, NY: Routledge, 2005.

“Polity and Politeness: Awed and Angry Visitors in a Baroque Landscape Architecture,” in Michel Conan, ed., Emulation, Sublimation, Subversion: Baroque Garden Cultures. Washington. D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 2005.

Co-principal investigator for a National Science Foundation planning grant for the Bernard Field Station

Recipient of a Mellon Arts+Environment Course Development grant for the course Campus Cultural Resources Conservation: Revealing Values

On behalf of the Robert Redford Conservancy for Southern California Sustainability, Professor Neckar won an NSF planning grant to strengthen research and academic opportunities at The Claremont Colleges’ Robert J. Bernard Field Station (BFS). This is a collaborative grant with Dr. Wallace Meyer, BFS director and the BFS Advisory Committee. 2013–2014.

Co-Principal Investigator, Zero + Campus Design Project, $250,000, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. 2010-11 (With Mary Guzowski, Barry Lehrman, and Loren Abraham)

Associated Programs